Author Archives: Dr. Millie Hinkle, ND

About Dr. Millie Hinkle, ND

Millie Hinkle, ND, DH, HHP, has been in practice since 1987. Having received her training in the U.S., Germany, and France, she is board-certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Association. Other certifications include a Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She also holds a nursing degree, has training in Radiology, and an associate degree of applied science in dental hygiene. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Bachelor of Health and Physical Education. She has also held memberships in the National Health Federation, the American Preventative Medical Association, and the Coalition for Natural Health.

Lyme Disease Symptoms Treated With Camel Milk

I am seeing such positive results with Lyme disease patients who are on the camel milk.  The joint pain and muscle fatigue seem to disappear and the gut issues dissipate usually within a few days to a few weeks.  The most impressive results have been in 2 of my patients who were experiencing seizures on a daily basis.  The seizures have stopped and the patients are no longer on anti-seizure medication.  I had one patient who had developed facial tics from the Lyme disease and the tics have stopped completely!

Sleep patterns improve with the patients on the camel milk and energy levels increase.  Because the camel milk is antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and has the ability for the antibodies to cross the brain barrier, these seem to be some of the reasons it is so beneficial.  I look forward to working with and hearing from more Lyme disease patients.  Let me add that camel milk needs to be used in conjunction with other modalities in the treatment of Lyme disease. 

Camel Milk For Alzheimer’s Patients

For the last 6 months I have been working with a small group of early stage Alzheimer’s patients and their physicians to study the effects of camel milk antibodies on Alzheimer’s.  The study has shown very promising results.  Research has shown that camel antibodies have the ability to cross the brain barrier.  This is very important, because we can use these antibodies as carrying agents to piggyback specific medications, supplements, etc. for brain disorders.

My protocol was very specific and included specific food and nutritional requirements as well as specific medications and supplements in combination with the milk.  Each patient tested differently on the specific dosage of camel milk required.  In all 9 cases the results were positive.

The following improvements were noted:

1) Sleep patterns improved and appetites increased.

2) Patients started to talk and interact more with others.  They were able to carry on conversations as well as remember conversations from the previous day.

3) Patients exhibited less confusion, less repetition, less aggressive behavior, fewer mood swings, etc. within the first month.

4) Patients were able to complete tasks and remain on target with tasks more often.

5) Memory recall improved.  Patients were able to remember more often a specific date of a birthday, marriage, etc.

6) Patients became more physically active.

One drawback in the study is that I was only able to work directly with early stage Alzheimer’s patients, although I did work with 3 more advanced Alzheimer’s patients through their family members.  The following was noted:

1) More eye contact and ability to speak more.

2) Better eating patterns.

3) Better sleep patterns.

4) Less aggression, less depression and mood swings.

5) Able to recognize and relate to more faces and voices of family and friends.

In conclusion I feel that a larger, more in-depth, long-term study, in which the patients are tracked for several years, is needed.  But I must note that I have seen the exact same positive results in these patients as I saw initially in the autistic children.  Over time the autistic children improved more and more while on the milk and especially those who were using my specific protocol.  I will also add that, as with the autistic children, I found elevated levels of heavy metals as well as hormone and nutritional deficiencies in all of the Alzheimer’s patients and these were addressed.  But the significant improvement was noticed only when I added the camel milk to the protocol.  I am looking forward to working with more doctors, families, and Alzheimer’s patients in the future with a larger, more in-depth study.





Why Autistic Children’s Symptoms Worsen in Spring and Summer

Parents of autistic children start to phone my office usually in March and continue until after Labor Day with the same question: “My child’s symptoms are worse. What is happening?” Well the answer is simple. Insecticides and pesticides are being sprayed everywhere.

Neighbors are spraying fertilizers and herbicides on their lawns, farmers are spraying insecticides on their crops, and the highways are being sprayed with weed killers. Just driving down the road with the windows down will expose your child. When I visit my doctor friend’s clinic in Arizona, we see 25 or more children a day in the clinic with seizures, etc. due to the pesticides and insecticides being sprayed there. Once the child is treated with homeopathic remedies for the insecticides, etc. their symptoms lessen. The problem is that the next day they go somewhere else that has been sprayed and it starts all over again. In spring and summer each child is given homeopathic remedies for the pesticides and insecticides to help alleviate the symptoms.

One mother called from a family vacation to say that the vacation was being ruined by her child’s behavior and she was not sure what was wrong. I informed the mother that the beach where she was vacationing sprayed insecticides by plane at night for mosquitoes, as well as by trucks misting the air. I sent her a remedy overnight and the vacation was saved.

Another culprit that many parents are not aware of appears during the Christmas holidays. Behavioral symptoms may worsen during the Christmas holidays if children are exposed to live Christmas trees. Christmas trees are treated with insecticides and many are sprayed with an agent to make them appear greener. If you have a live tree in your home, then your child has constant exposure to the insecticides that have been sprayed on the tree.

An additional culprit in summer that many parents do not think about is swimming pools. We usually recommend that autistic children not swim in heavily chlorinated pools. Most pools are treated with harsh chemicals. Studies show that 60% to 80% of anything that touches the skin is absorbed, so just imagine the exposure to these chemicals a child receives who swims every day or even several times a week. We give the children a specific homeopathic remedy for the chemicals in pools to help with the exposure and it seems to really help. Have a great spring and summer and stay safe!

Allergies to Camel Milk

I get many calls from parents of autistic children and from individuals with dairy allergies who ask if the camel milk will be O.K. for them. My answer is: if you are allergic to the lactase, or sugar, in the milk you should be fine, but if you are allergic to the casein, or protein, in the milk, then there may be a chance you will develop an allergy to the camel milk.

Many adults and children do very well on the camel milk even if they have a casein allergy, but some do not. The casein in camel milk is not the same as the casein found in goat, cow, donkey or buffalo milk. It is totally different. Time and time again I have seen patients with allergies to casein become allergic to the camel milk. Sometimes it is caused by heavy metal residue, etc. and once this problem is alleviated the allergy often disappears. We usually start individuals with known casein allergies on enzymes with DPPIV for a period of time before we introduce the milk, and this often helps. In my office each child is tested, but if a child is not available to be tested, then I suggest starting at a very low dose for a prolonged period of time before increasing the dosage. This sometimes helps acclimate the body to the milk.

Usually we start with a specific dosage and increase it on a specific schedule with other clients, but individuals with casein allergies are different. Also every individual is different and the camel milk dosage is based on several things: the person’s age, weight, specific illness and the supplements and medications that the individual is taking. Do not be fooled by people blogging that the dosage is the same for everyone. It is not true. The last word of advice is that as the toxic overload of heavy metals, chemicals, viruses, pesticides, etc. is lowered by detoxing, then the individual may be able to handle the milk. It has happened in many cases.

Pesticide & Insecticide Exposure

If it isn’t bad enough that we are being exposed to pesticides and insecticides from our food and from our neighbors’ lawns, we are now being poisoned when we shop for clothes for our children and for groceries, as well as when we dine out. Imagine my shock when I recently went into a Gap outlet to purchase a new pair of jeans and the smell of insecticides almost knocked me over. I felt sick the smell was so strong. I asked for the manager and was informed by her that “yes” the Gap sprays their clothes with insecticides. She acted as if it were no problem. I told her that her store was opening itself up for lawsuits for selling clothes treated with pesticides and insecticides to unsuspecting parents of autistic children and people with immune system disorders. She just looked at me, shrugged and walked off. How is that for customer relations?!!

But the Gap isn’t the only place you and your loved ones are being exposed to insecticides. At my local grocery store chain I am misted with insecticides every time I go through the door. The smell is all over the store. And here is the real joke: The organic food section is right near the door!!!! How is that for getting organic produce that you can trust! When I questioned an employee he informed me that he also had a concern about the water that was used to mist the organic produce on a regular basis, because the water was not filtered and was municipal water with chemicals. This is not good either.

Recently I went to a beautiful new restaurant that I had read about in the local paper. The minute I sat down I smelled insecticides. I asked the hostess where the smell was coming from and she pointed to a box over the door and stated that every time the door opens, the box releases a fine mist of insecticides to kill flies and gnats. I would rather deal with a fly or gnat than cancer or seizures in my autistic child. Needless to say I chose to eat somewhere else.

Gluten-Free Products vs. No Gluten

For years I have recommended diabetics and autistic children adhere to a gluten-free/casein-free diet. Initially I saw improvement in autistic children, but after a period of time the symptoms seemed to worsen sporadically and quite a few diabetics saw their glucose levels actually increase on this diet. I began to investigate and spent hours reading research papers and found that there are often more carbohydrates in gluten-free products and more added sweeteners for taste than in products containing gluten. I then worked with medical doctors to check glucose levels on patients after consuming gluten-free products and found in case after case sudden spikes in blood sugar levels that were in fact higher than levels after consuming products with gluten.

It was then recommended that the autistic patients and diabetics both eat a diet with no gluten as well as no gluten-free products. The results were very impressive. The children were calmer and more focused and both the autistic children and diabetics saw a drop in blood sugar levels. I see parents of autistic children depending on the processed gluten-free products too much with the gluten-free cereals, cookies, crackers, bread and cake, etc. daily. It’s too much!!!! I suggest trying a no gluten diet with no gluten-free products for a few weeks and see the results! It is really easier than you think. Try to use gluten-free products in moderation in the future and stick to plenty of organic fruits, vegetables, meats, and fatty acids for the best results.

Camel Milk Cream or Lotion

I am often asked if I know of a safe unscented camel milk cream or lotion. Of course, there are several good creams on the market, but for a simple homemade cream or lotion just try the following recipe:


1/2 cup vegetable oil: (grapeseed or avocado work well or you may try emu oil if there is no allergy because this will act as a carrying agent to go deeper under the skin.)

2 Tablespoons emulsifier (beeswax) Note: regular beeswax is yellow
but you may obtain a pharmaceutical beeswax from your pharmacy which is white and makes a more eye appealing cream.

Camel Milk: amount as needed for consistency

Optional: scented essential oils if you want a scented cream (I use


Slowly melt in a double boiler the beeswax and vegetable oil together; use a whisk to stir until well blended and melted. Then remove from heat and slowly add camel milk while continuing to whisk to create desired consistency. You may then add essential oils if desired or leave this step off if you want an unscented cream. I like to refrigerate my cream and use as needed. Note: a small amount of moisture may accumulate over time, just pour off the excess and use cream as needed.

Methyl Folate Deficiency

I have received many calls and emails from worried parents of autistic children over the last few months who have heard about methyl folate deficiency in autistic children.  There has been talk about dairy and its role in this deficiency.  Let me try and ease your mind in regards to the camel milk.

1)  Cow, goat, sheep, donkey, mare and buffalo all have the same casein or protein in their milk and many also have higher levels of lactase or sugar than camel milk.

2)  Camel milk does not contain the same casein as any of the other animal milk.  It is totally different.

3)  The most important factor in camel milk concerns the antibodies.  

The antibodies found in camel milk are not like those found in other animal milk.  The antibodies in camel milk are unique in size and shape which is why the health benefits are so impressive.  Recent studies have shown that camel milk antibodies have the ability to cross the brain barrier as well as act as a carrying agent (a characteristic not found in other animal milk.)  Scientists feel this is a major breakthrough to aid in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders such as those seen in autistic patients.  The remedy for a methyl folate deficiency is to take it in supplement form.  I have not seen proof of its ability to cross the brain barrier in supplement form in order to “fix” the problem.  I have worked with doctors who have known about this deficiency for years and have had their patients on the supplement for several years with no significant improvement in symptoms of autism.  I do know for a fact that many of the children who had been on the folate supplement when placed on camel milk showed significant improvement in their symptoms.  I have developed a specific protocol that doctors I work with are using and are seeing major improvements with their patients.  More in depth research needs to be completed on camel milk and the effect of its antibodies in relation to methyl folate deficiency before grouping it with other animal milk.